Friday, March 5, 2010

ACENG, the guitar picker using feet

Aceng, Bermain Gitar Dengan Kaki.

Without hands-capable does not mean no skill. Alfenta Aceng Dani Setiawan (30) proves it. Starting from driving cars, playing guitar, drums, smoke and anything done with the feet. All the activities done as a normal human being.
To drive a car for example, from opening the door, step on the pedal, turned the key, porsneling gear, the wheel, all done with the feet. It's amazing.

Ability to drive a car, ACENG control since 2002, after a month of learning.
To drive the farthest distance ever gone through so far is from Solo to Wonosobo, Central Java.
In the region, ACENG also known as an artist. Playing drums. Even the king singing, guitar picking his legs. With his left leg playing lively grip, while his right foot to play the melody.
limitations will not prevent anyone to create and live independently. Limitations is an obstacle for a moment.


1 komentar:

Prie said...

kebesaran dari Yang Maha Kuasa, dibalik kekurangan tentu ada kelebihan, semangat untuk berprestasi yang patut ditiru ...

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