Indonesia's first recorded set of conjoined twins are born to the Minarsih family in 1978.
1980Pristian Yuliani and Pristian Yuliana are born in
Indonesia on July 31, 1987. The craniopagus twin sisters are joined by a very small section of skull and are separated without complications on October 21.
Conjoined twin sisters Franciska and Teresa are born in
Indonesia in 1989.
1990-1994Omphalopagus twin sisters Manda and Adinda are born in I
ndonesia on March 23, 1992, and separated on September 23.
1995-1999In February of 1996, sisters Norma-Hafisah and Norma-Nafisah Aghnia are born in
Indonesia, They are omphalopagus twins and are separated on September 11, 1996.
Thoracopagus twin girls Rena and Reni are born in
Indonesia on March 4, 1997, and separated in August.
Eka Dwi Apriliani and Eka Dwi Apriliana Misbachrudin are born in Yogya,
Indonesia on April 29, 1998. Joined at the abdomen, the sisters die at 11 days while awaiting possible separation surgery.
Anandya and Anindya Yoris Safadia are born conjoined at the chest and abdomen in Indonesia on June 1, 1998. The twin sisters undergo separation on May 25, 1999.
Omphalopagus twin boys Barkah and Slamet Sardi are born in Indonesia on September 12, 1999, and undergo separation on February 29, 2000.
2002Thoracopagus twin boys, Iksam and Ilham, are born in
Indonesia on June 6. They undergo separation on September 1, but Ilham dies.
Thoracopagus twin girls, nicknamed Dedeh I and Dedeh II, are born in Bogor,
Indonesia, on May 30. Both sisters die on June 20 while awaiting separation surgery in Jakarta.
Falah Perani Nuraida and Falah Perina Nurfarida are born in I
ndonesia on April 21. "Rina" and "Rani" are ischio-omphalopagus twins. Separation is attempted on February 26, 2003, but sadly both sisters die.
2003Ischiopagus tripus conjoined twin boys, Abdurrahman and Abdurrahim, are born July 13 in Indonesia to Rodiah and her husband Asep (many
Indonesians use only one name). Sadly, the boys die on July 24 from congenital defects.

Another pair of conjoined twin boys are born in Jakarta, I
ndonesia in early April. Doctors are planning on waiting several months to see if the boys, Hafizd and Harits Darmawan, can be separated.
2004Thoracopagus twin girls, Mariana and Mariani Bahri Aisyah are born in
Indonesia on Aug. 21. They are successfully separated on July 26, 2005.
Thoraco-omphalopagus twin girls, I Gusti Dwipayanti and I Gusti Dwipayani, are born in
Indonesia on May 1. "Yani" and "Yanti" undergo separation on Jan. 28, 2005 and sadly, Yani passes away on Feb. 3, 2005.

Twin thoracopagus boys, Ardi and Arda, are born to Sutikno, 26, and Marlina, 23, in Wates Village, Tangerang,
Indonesia on Apr. 9. Each pass away on April 12. ]
Thoracopagus twin girls, Nugroho Yuliana and Nugroho Yuliani Hariyani are born in I
ndonesia on March 7. Both twin girls pass away on March 22.

Ischiopagus tripus twin girls, Anggi and Anjeli Harmaini, are born in
Indonesia on Feb. 11. They are successfully separated in surgery in Singapore on May 23, 2005.

The first of at least five sets of conjoined twins are born in
Indonesia on Jan. 17 with the arrival of omphalopagus girls, Siti Maryati and Siti Maryani Kusnaini. They are successfully separated Feb. 11, 2004.
2005Thoracopagus twin girls, nicknamed Listiyani I and Listiyani II, are born to Ni Wayan Listiyani, 20, and I Wayan Yasa Artana, 22, of Tianyar Village, Bali,
Indonesia on September 19. The sisters share a single deformed heart and survive for just ten days.
Xipho-omphalopagus twin girls, Salwa and Salma Umiyati, are born to Nurdin and Tutik Umiyati in Tulungagung, East Java,
Indonesia on July 1. The twins are successfully separated on Oct. 1.
Twins known as Nurlela I and Nurlela II, but later renamed Mia and Nia Ayu Lestari, are born to an
Indonesian couple, Nurlela and Mulyadi, on March 22. The sisters are thoracopagus twins, born sharing a pericardium, or the membrane that surrounds the heart. They are separated at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta on June 11 in a six-hour operation. Both twins have congenital heart defects and Nia passes away on June 17, with Mia following on June 28.

Conjoined twins Amir Mukti Abadi and Amir Mahmud are born in
Jombang, East Java, Indonesia on February 25, joined at the chest and with multiple birth defects. Nicknamed "Abad", Amir Mukti Abadi has no liver of his own, while Amir Mahmud, known as "Little Abad" is parasitic, with no facial features, heart or brain of his own. The twins are divided in a 2-hour operation, led by Dr. Teguh Sylviantoro, at the Integrated Surgery Center of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital in Surabaya, on June 3, 2005. Amir Mahmud passes away and is buried in the twins' hometown.
2006Dicephalus twin girls Naila and Laila Asmaul Husna are born in
Indonesia on October 21. The family lives in Tlekung-Gangsiran and the twins share two heads, four arms (two fused), two chests, two hearts, and two legs. The twins undergo surgery to remove their cumbersome inner pair of arms, but will not be separated.
Also in
Indonesia, Deva Eka Syamitha and Devi Eka Syamitha are born to Marce Louk Panggi, 23, in Bali on October 4. Rare parapagus tripus twins, the sisters share a heart and both die on October 10.
A set of dicephalus dibrachius twin girls are born to an
Indonesian couple, Nuryati and Mulyadi, on August 6, 2006, and given only one name, Syafitri, because they have only one heart. Nuryati does not know she is pregnant with twins until she is seven months pregnant, at which point an ultrasound does not detect that the twins are conjoined. Syafitri live only about twenty days.

Sisters Ananda Oktavia Ramadani and Andini Oktavia Ramadina are born to Puniah and her husband Sukandar in Grobokan Village, East Java,
Indonesia, on October 1. Conjoined at the chest and sharing a malformed heart, the sisters die during an operation to separate them at Daerah Public Hospital in Surabaya, East Java, on November 2. Their father asks that the operation continue so that "Dani" and "Dina" can be buried in separate caskets in their native village.
Thoracopagus twin sisters Yesa and Yesi are born in Kodya Palembang,
Indonesia, to Herdiana and her husband M. Yunus on September 18. They are brought to the RSCM in Jakarta and undergo an operation to insert tissue expanders under their skin, the first stage in separating them, on April 28, 2007.

A set of dicephalus dibrachius twin girls are born to an
Indonesian couple, Nuryati and Mulyadi, on August 6, 2006, and given only one name, Syafitri, because they have only one heart. Nuryati does not know she is pregnant with twins until she is seven months pregnant, at which point an ultrasound does not detect that the twins are conjoined. Syafitri live only about twenty days.
Anita Rismayutin Rayahu and Yunita Rismayutin Lestari are born in Imogiri, Bantul, I
ndonesia on January 10, to 26-year-old Umiyatun and 33-year-old Riswanto. Sadly, their mother Umiyatun dies of blood loss after giving birth to the sisters. The ischiopagus tetrapus twin sisters undergo separation on August 5 in Yogya. Further reconstructive surgery is performed on Anita on April 26, 2007
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